Parish Council Meeting 19 December 2022

Minutes of the Honing Parish Council Meeting

Held on Monday 19 December 2022

At The Village Hall, Honing at 7.30pm

Present:  G Ritchie (GR) – Chair

J Ritchie (JR) – Clerk

D. Sadler (DS)

V Press (VP)

S Sharman (SS)

Cllr Lucy Shires (CLS)

Apologies: N Dixon

C Virden

The minutes from the previous meeting were read, confirmed and signed. SS and DS

The Chair (GR) invited Cllr Shires to update those present before the main meeting:

  1. Budget for County Council was showing an 80m deficit and despite work is still showing as 20m short for services, it is expected to look bleaker at the next meeting, although it is hoped for an 800k deposit from the government today for the building of new homes. This is received as the planning department have been more pro-active towards planning permissions to try to support more. SS asked where the money went and CLS advised it went to the CC. VP commented that she was concerned regarding the services for the additional housing.
  2. CLS advised that as of today’s date buses from North Walsham had been doubled and the price reduced to £2 per journey, it was hoped that this would help with commuting, colleges and jobs. 
  3. Social Care situation not improving with the NNUH bed system full and the North Walsham Cottage Hospital situation not any better. It was agreed that more care homes required but a larger budget required, the whole thing being part of a larger problem.
  4. Dentistry in North Walsham still not good. CLS for school children’s dentists at last meeting was told this may be considered. However, CLS had managed to get Early Years Brushing visits for children at schools in the hope that this will help.
  5. Other items that were being discussed were roads and economic growth. There would be an election for a new leader of the CC which could mean a political split, this was felt to not be a bad idea as could make the council more independent. Mobile libraries were in the balance and may have to be re-visited. 
  6. District Council is in a better place, but they were having issues with accommodation as social landlords have been changing to Air BnB. Ukrainian families were now coming to the end of their 6 month host family period and were looking for accommodation which has been causing issues. Currently 60 families in accommodation + they have 80 Ukrainian families and no funding. 
  7. The speeding problem and signs were once again discussed with LCS advising ½ from Partnership and the other half from LCS budget. LCS to advise price for gateways and the flashing signs. It was advised that the width of the verges needed to be taken into account. Justin Le May should be able to advise. These also recorded the date/time & speed, it was questioned who looked after these and it was felt this had not been taken into account. 
  8. North Walsham Market Place is hoped to be finished soon, it has been difficult as the budget was set in 2019 and there has now been a 40% increase. DS felt a waste of money and asked if a survey had been done as she had not received anything and she lives in NW. CLS advised this was done before she moved there. 
  9. New Toilet block should be finished in February, they were also looking at specialist school for those who require additional educational support. SS advised that with the large housing development planned west of NW we needed more schools and a link road.  CLS advised she was aware of this and that various items had been on agendas but rising costs had become prohibitive for some items.

CLS having no further updates and those present no further questions, the Chair(GR) thanked CLS and she left.  


  1. The Clerk advised that after further investigation it has been discovered, with the help of SWC, that the pond (Town PIT) belongs to the PC, as well as the woods near Bush Farm, this has put a different light on projects and needs to be discussed by the full council.  The clerk advised that as such any work done would need a disclaimer from those as the PC could not be responsible due to insurance act. VP advised that she had concerns about the pond as felt as a councillor should we be doing things whereby could make unsafe, water etc. DS said it had not had water for a while. GR was concerned regarding the aquifer and felt that any work should have a risk assessment to safeguard the council. SS thought that the pond was clay based. VP suggested that a meeting should be had between those that wanted to do the pond. DS advised that there was a footpath through the middle and that this should be noted. SS felt that if done it had to be maintained unlike the 2000 time, therefore funds would need to be raised. She further advised that she had pictures from the 1930 and how nice it looked then but understood that this was not practical due to busy roads now.  The Clerk (JR) suggested a Parish Meeting and that this should be further discussed at the next PC meeting when it was hoped all councilors would be present. 
  2. Email from John Jennings and Cherry was read to those present regarding the play equipment at the village hall and the information as it was expected that the Insurance that is paid by the Council would have the equipment added to it. The clerk (JR) advised that this council has a precept of £2.2k and is already paying the whole of the insurance which is £1.2k currently, leaving very little for other items and projects. She advised that historically the insurance had been taken over by the PC to help the VH committee and that in real terms a substantial payment from the VH should have been paid which had not happened with only a single payment of £200 being made over the years. When this had been advised to the VH it had caused considerable problems and the clerk now felt that she could no longer be the challenger for the Council, offering her resignation if required. This was refused and she agreed to stay but felt that a meeting needed to be had with the VH. This was agreed and to be arranged towards the end of January. DS advised she was away at the end of January.
  3. Discussion was had regarding the Parish magazine and Website. It was agreed that more use be made of the magazine and that agreed minutes could be added to the Website. Clerk to instigate. 
  4. Clerk (JR) advised that she had received a letter from Highways asking for any problems in the Village, she had replied on Common Road, and Briggate Hill. No other areas were suggested apart from drains on Eastways and the holes down Common Road.
  5. Latest updates from Vattenfall and Hornsea were advised with details being made available to those present.
  6. Members were advised of the 6-month rule regarding being advised of elections. This had already been covered in part by CLS.


  1. Members present were advised that the bank account stood at approximately £2.3k but that this was due to the fact that we still had a surplus due to the non-working of the council for several years a few years back, but that in real terms we were spending in excess of the precept which had ben applied for of £2.2k.
  2. The auditors had approved the accounts for year end 31/3/22.

Any Other Business

  1. The Clerk advised (JR) that this council required more councillors.  VP suggested using the magazine to advertise and build a better relationship with villagers ‘ Your Parish Needs You’. 
  2. VP mentioned that she considered the Clerk’s salary be revisited. To be further discussed at the next meeting. 
  3. The Clerk requested that a board be put up for notices as she could not access the notice board. Prices to be found and reported at the next meeting. 

There being no further business the date of the next PC meeting was set for March 6th, May 2nd, September 4th and December 4th 2023, with a provisional date for a meeting between VH being set for 23rd January 2023.

Meeting closed at